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3D Printing

3D Printing is an additive production process, with the use of a 3D Printer. In this additive process every successive layers of material will be stacked upon the last one, until the final object is created. The process of 3D Printing has revolutionized many industries as aeronautics or space technologies, as it can produce very light weight parts, that are sometimes not produceable in a regular fashion.

  • 3D Printing

    3D printing or additive manufacturing is the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. 3D printing is used to create components, parts and accessories, build prototypes, production tools and expand customisation options. The fields of

  • Filament

    3D printing filament is the material used in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printers. It comes in spools of thermoplastic that are melted and extruded layer by layer to create objects. The most common filament diameters are 1.75mm and 2.85mm, and they come in various colors

  • YouTube Matthias Schwaighofer

    Matthias Schwaighofer ist ein YouTuber und Digitalkünstler, der für seinen Fokus auf 3D-Druck, Design und kreative Projekte bekannt ist. Auf seinem Kanal präsentiert er Tutorials, Tipps und Rezensionen zur 3D-Drucktechnologie, die alles von grundlegenden Techniken bis hin zu
